Brand : Cureskin

Qualitative consumer research | Brand audit| Brand positioning | Brand narrative | Brand personality

Cureskin, a proven successful tele-dermatology service brand wanted to attract a wider segment of audience. The brand faced a few challenges as they went on to seek further expansion, we worked in collaboration with Studio Glyph to give the brand a roadmap for growth.


1. High entry barriers : They were selling bundled packages of products thus reducing the likelihood of trials to validate effectiveness of products and a perception of higher pricing.


2. High attrition : Customers were dropping off the sales cycle as soon as they found a resolution for their skin concern and the brand was unable to sustain repeat purchase and intended to widen their portfolio to essentials for regular maintenance.


3. Lacked differentiation and memorability : The visual identity and tonality was not unique especially as the dermatology-based skincare category was getting more crowded by the day.

Our learning :

From our extensive consumer research and interviews with the existing customer base for the brand, we realised the effectiveness of the products comes from its consistent usage and consumers believed in the brand due to the clarity they recieved during consultations with dermatologists.


Our Thought :

Shifting focus from skin care to skin health

Adopting a skincare philosophy that is progressive, long-term and holistic rather than transformative. Skincare that isnt superficial but one that treats skin as the largest organ of the body and provides expertise led solutions.


Emphasising the importance of holistic skin health and expert validation

Encouraging consumers to be vary of overnight results and to embrace the journey for better skin each day

• by actively identifying key problems by AI technology

• guided actively by dermatologists

• a customised regimen to emphasise the importance of holistic health beyond superficial care

From Transformative skincare to Progressive Skin health, led by Dermatologists

Designing a brand architecture that enables long-term consumer journey and reduces customer attrition by extending to regular maintenance of skin health.

Differentiation in communication by choosing progression over the common before/after transformation used by brands in skincare.

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