Brand : AEL
Brand workshop | Brand positioning | Brand narrative | Brand identity | Guideline

AEL DATA, a 30-year-old Web accessibility and e-learning (B2B) services brand led by Aditya Bikkani with base in India and Canada, wanted us to revive the brand’s lost mojo and reposition the brand for the evolved times.


The challenge was that the brand had an outdated imagery that no longer resonated with its evolved target audience. The need was to modernise the brand to compete in the present business environment.


Our objective was two fold;

identify & consolidate ; core services that are relevant in the current business environment
differentiate the brand from the contemporary players that entered the Web accessibility market
Have absolute clarity of what the purpose of existence to revive the internal culture


A. Offer clarity : Consolidation of services under a core expertise of


We began with an immersion that extended two days, where the core team took us through the services and strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.


This led us to understand that some of the services had become obsolete and were not relevant to our audience. We also shifted focus from multiple services to one core umbrella of service that will give the brand an expertise.


We consolidate varied services under a single umbrella of accessibility:


1.Documents accessibility
2.Web Accessibility
3.Accessibility in eLearning
4.STEM Accessibility tool (a specialised product packaged to highlight the firms capability in STEM accessibility)


B. Differentiation


From our market understanding we realised that most players providing web accessibility do it in the form of a simple web application however most internal teams are not equipped to implement it effectively.


Our approach :
To use our strength of having access to human resource to go beyond providing the digital tool of web accessibility and provide additional training to ensure inclusion.


C. Purpose


As in every B2B firm, the culture and people play an an integral part of the brand’s advocacy. Having clarity of purpose was essential to revive the internal teams and have a renewed motivation.


Our thought :
To enable businesses effectively and ensure equal access and opportunity to all.

We also created an internal process for the teams to structurally align with the Brand’s purpose.


Brand Positioning

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